Okuyucu mektupları - Şener Göçoğlu

18 Nisan 2013 Perşembe |

1989 yilinda Bulgaristan'dan Türkiye'ye göc etmis bir Bulgaristanli'yim. Dogdugum sehir Razgrad'daki Ibrahim Pasa Camii'nin yillardir atil durumda olmasından ve bir türlü restore edilmemesinden duydugum rahatsizligi sizlerle paylasmak istiyorum. Önceki yillarda Başbakanimiz ve Cumhurbaşkanimiz Bulgaristan'i ziyaret etmişlerdir. Bu ziyaretler sonrasinda medyada konuyla ilgili 1-2 adim atilmis gibi gözükse de aslen camiinin durumunda herhangi bir degisiklik yoktur. En son Eylül 2012'de Türkiye'nin Sofya Büyükelcisi Razgrad'i ziyaret etmistir. Bulgar yetkililer ziyaret öncesinde camiinin etrafini belediyenin temizlik görevlilerine süpürtmüslerdir. Evet, yanlis okumadiniz, yapilan tek calisma 8 ay önce caminin önünün süpürülmesidir. Asagidaki linkte bulunan fotograflarda durumun ne kadar vahim oldugu gözükmektedir. http://ajansbg.blogspot.com/2012/09/turk-buyukelcisi-gelecek-diye-cami.html

Asagida İngilizce ve Bulgarca hazirladigim yazilarla Unesco, Bulgaristan Kültür Bakanlığı, Bulgaristan'daki bazi müftülükler ve bazi yerel gazetelere ulasmaya calistim. Sözkonusu camii, hem dinen hem kültürel olarak Balkanlar'da ata yadigari olmasindan dolayi cok büyük önem arzetmektedir. Ayrica, 400 yillik bu eser Balkanlardaki 3.üncü en büyük camiidir (1.inci en büyük: Edirne'deki Süleymaniye, 2.nci en büyük: Sumnu'daki Tombul Camii). Bunlara ilaveten, UNESCO'nun kültür mirasi kataloglarina bile girmistir.

Memlekete her gidisimde camiinin durumu icimi sizlattigi icin ben ne yapabilirim diye düsündüm ve yazmaya karar verdim. Yazim umarim gereken yerlere ulasir. Kamuoyunda gereken dikkat cekilirse daha yapici cözümler üretilebilir. Tek istedigim bu güzel eserin yasatilmasi.


Şener Göçoğlu

Dear Sirs/Madams,

This is Şener Göçoğlu. I am writing to express my sincere interest in the cultural and historical situation of my hometown, Razgrad , Bulgaria .
As we all know, Razgrad is famous for the Thracian Tomb by the village of Sveshtari (3rd century BC). Thracian Tomb is included in the UNESCO list. However, in my humble opinion, we are sadly forgetting the other historical heritage in the city, which is Ibrahim Pasha Mosque. My intention is to take some attention of the media, all related deputies, the Ministry of Culture in Bulgaria and Turkey , UNESCO authorities, and people who love and protect history and culture.
Ibrahim Pasha Mosque is a historical structure situated in Razgrad, just in the heart of the city, where all the locals see everyday and all the tourists can not avoid seeing. The mosque is registered in UNESCO catalogue and is the 3rd largest mosque in Balkans (1st Suleymaniye Mosque in Edirne-Turkey built 1550-1558, 2nd Tombul Mosque in Shoumen-Bulgaria built in 1740-1744). The mosque is considered to be one of the most beautiful examples of the classic Ottoman architecture. The temple is central-domed, while his lower part is a cube, transforming upwards into an octagon and than into a cylinder. There are four rows of sharp-topped windows on its facade. The Minaret is made of ashlar with plastic ornaments beneath the balcony of the minaret. The interior of the mosque is richly and originally decorated. The name originates from Pargali Ibrahim Pasha, the grand vizier of Suleyman the Magnificent. The construction of the mosque was started in 1530-1535, but paused after Ibrahim Pasha’s dead in 1536. The mosque was finished in 1616 by the vizier Mahmut Pasha. The structure represents some rather unique architecture in common mosque building.
Currently, the mosque is closed for usage and its reconstruction still has not been completed since communist Bulgarian times, which counts for approximately 30 years until now. Although the political regime had changed and the Muslim minority is free for their cultural and religious actions, it is impossible to use this mosque. Unfortunately, the present situation of the mosque is very poor, namely, some interior parts were collapsed, walls are ruined, and people are throwing their garbage inside, some drunks and drug addicts damage the building late at night. Muslim community in the city utilizes a small temple for praying. This small temple can provide a very limited space because the population of the city is about 50000 and more than half of the population is Muslim.
We all know there is a financial crisis everywhere in Europe , and this can lead to some limitations in the funds for renovations. On the other hand, it is impossible to understand how there could be no action to save a world heritage for so many years. There are some news on the media that Turkey and Bulgaria has signed an agreement about the renovation of the historical sights. There are articles talking about the projects for reconstruction. Conversely to the news, there is no change in the situation. It is impossible to understand all the bureaucracy. Many people in Turkey think that if Ministry of Culture in Bulgaria and Bulgarian government let Turkish side handle everything, all the renovation will be very quick without any financial concerns. Alternatively, both governments may join a consortium and work together.
I would be very happy if you take into consideration my e-mail and reply me back promptly regarding with the current circumstance of the mosque. As a Muslim, Bulgarian citizen with Turkish origin, and a history lover, I would like to see the mosque serving to the community and shining like a star in Razgrad again. For this purpose, all people in charge shall declare their ideas to solve the problem, and start action as quickly as possible to save this world heritage.

Kind regards
Şener Göçoğlu